Is removing cold sores overnight possible?

Is removing cold sores overnight possible
Some natural remedies help reduce cold sore symptoms, such as pain and inflammation, even faster than more well-known drugs.
Is removing cold sores overnight possible
  • What is cold sores?
  • Is removing cold sores overnight possible?

67% of those under 50 worldwide have the herpes simplex virus 1 (which causes cold sores), according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that a large part of the population has experienced the annoying blisters and stinging on the lips that it causes. Many people wonder if removing cold sores overnight is possible. And, although it usually resolves on its own in about a week, there are natural remedies that can help cold sores disappear (if not overnight) in no time.


Cold sores are a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) that affects the lips and surrounding areas. This virus is spread by contact with an infected person, through kissing or by sharing utensils (such as towels or lipstick).

Once the virus enters the body it remains in it and outbreaks of cold sores can appear at any time, although some people never develop symptoms of cold sores or these are so mild that they go unnoticed and in others the virus remains inactive for long periods of time.

Once the virus enters the body it remains in it and outbreaks of cold sores can appear at any time, although some people never develop symptoms of cold sores or these are so mild that they go unnoticed and in others the virus remains inactive for long periods of time.


Although removing cold sores overnight is not possible, in many cases it is possible to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms without resorting to antiviral drugs. These natural remedies can help you:

  • Garlic has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation and reduce the spread of the virus. Some studies indicate that the components of garlic, in particular thiosulfinate, have antiviral potential against the herpes simplex virus. You can apply a piece of garlic on top of the herpes for a few minutes several times a day.
  • Tea tree essential oil possesses antiherpetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, in addition to speeding up the healing process of cold sores, according to some studies. To use it in case of cold sores, mix a drop of essential oil with a drop of calendula or coconut vegetable oil and apply it to the affected area several times a day.
  • Propolis, a substance bees use to seal cracks in their hive and protect it from bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, has antibiotic and antiviral properties and can reduce cold sore symptoms faster than one of the most commonly used drugs for this purpose, acyclovir, according to a Slovak study.

On the other hand, it’s important that you avoid touching cold sores and wash your hands frequently to prevent the virus from spreading.

To avoid the appearance of new outbreaks of cold sores, it is advisable to avoid the factors that favor them, that is, stress, exposure to the sun’s rays or fatigue.

If cold sores are very recurrent or if the symptoms are very intense, the dermatologist will tell you which is the most effective solution for you.


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