Cystitis: immediate relief with a natural treatment

Cystitis immediate relief with a natural treatment
Stress and antibiotic resistance favor urinary tract infections. There are alternate.
Cystitis immediate relief with a natural treatment
  • Cystitis: symptoms
  • What is cystitis?
  • Cystitis: causes
  • Cystitis: immediate relief with natural treatment
  • How to prevent cystitis

Up to 60% of healthy adult women develop a urine infection at some point in their lives. When a bladder infection occurs, it is called cystitis, the most common urinary tract infection. It occurs less in men, but when it occurs there may be more complications, with prostatitis.

Although in Spain it is customary to prescribe antibiotics as the first choice when treating cystitis, there is currently more awareness of discarding them as a first option to prevent resistance from developing. Therefore, it is a good idea to try to combat cystitis with natural options.

In addition to following a diet rich in vegetables and fruits that strengthens the defenses and favors the alkalization of urine, you can resort to medicinal plants that fight infection in case of cystitis and provide immediate relief.


When a bladder infection occurs, it is called cystitis, the most common urinary tract infection. It occurs less in men, but when it occurs there may be more complications, with prostatitis. These are the symptoms of urine infection.

  • Feeling cold in the lower belly or heat loss
  • Stinging or discomfort when urinating
  • Urge to urinate many times and in small amounts
  • Feeling generally unwell and lack of strength
  • Sometimes to this are added a urine with a bad smell and abdominal pain.
  • Complicated infections can also present fever, back pain, nausea and vomiting.


The microorganisms that most often produce the infection are gram-negative bacilli, frequent in the ano-genital area, and Escherichia coli, which is the causative agent in 80% of acute infections in patients without urinary catheters, stones or urological alterations.

Normally, bacteria that gain access to the urinary bladder are rapidly eliminated by dilution, with urination, and by the antimicrobial properties of urine and bladder mucosa. Leukocytes found in the bladder wall and prostate secretions possess antimicrobial properties.

Whether infection occurs depends on the resulting interaction between the microbe or numbers of microbes and the person’s local and general defense mechanisms.

Therefore, more vigilance should be done when they occur in the elderly, in pregnancy, in people surveyed, in children, in diabetes mellitus, in immunosuppression or when it comes to hospital-acquired infections.


Several factors contribute to germs colonizing the urinary tract:

  • A change in normal perineal microflora, which can be triggered by antimicrobials, other genital infections, intercourse, or the use of spermicides, diaphragms, tampons, or female hygiene products.
  • Poor recovery of tone after pregnancy, which is accompanied by a decrease in urethral tone and urethral peristalsis, as well as insufficiency of the vesicoureteral valves.
  • An obstruction, which is any impediment to the free flow of urine, for example, by a tumor or stone and, in men, by prostatic hypertrophy.
  • A neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder, in which neurological alterations trigger urinary stasis.
  • The use of bladder irritants, such as condoms, tampons, and soaps.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux, which facilitates the reflux of bacteria.


In case of cystitis, a mixture with predominant antiseptic action and, secondly, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic action is appropriate.

  • Blueberry. Its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of urinary infections is due to its non-stick properties, which prevent bacteria from clinging to the bladder wall.
    In a large-scale 6-month trial compared to placebo, bacteriuria was reduced in elderly women taking 300 ml a day of a standard cranberry drink. This anti-adherence is also considered preventive. Daily consumption of cranberry extract powder decreases the occurrence of infections.
    The dose is 2 glasses of unsweetened juice a day, diluted with water, preferably mineral; or two capsules of dried cranberry powder two to four times a day.
  • Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursicontains arbutin, a urinary antiseptic that acts against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including E. coli L2. One study showed that it decreases the frequency of recurrent cystitis.
    Arbutin is thought to work by releasing hydroquinone into the bladder; That is why either 3 g of dried plant in decoction are taken (the whole plant is recommended, since it has other components that alkalize the urine) or 400 to 800 mg of hydroquinone derivatives four times a day. If symptoms do not subside within 48 hours, treatment is changed.
    Due to the toxic risk of this substance and its richness in tannins, bearberry and arbutin are recommended only in the short term (less than a week) and sporadically (less than 5 times a year): in high doses it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and pigment the urine.
    It is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation or children under 12 years of age. It should also not be used with other substances that acidify the urine (this may reduce its antimicrobial effect).
  • Apart from blueberry and bearberry, heather is used; for its anti-inflammatory action, devil’s clawthymecat’s tailnettlecorn stigmas and saw palmetto; and as anti-inflammatories and also diureticselderberry bark and goldenrod.


The most effective diet is a vegetarian diet. From a broad diet in which there are abundant raw fruits and vegetables, with the absence of meat, fish and their derivatives, to a raw vegetable diet based on fruits and salads. We should take 1 gram of vitamin C a day.

It may also be useful to follow a fruit monodiet or perform a therapeutic fast (either Buchinger style, which is the one I advise the most, or hygienist style, also recommended). If you do not opt for a vegetarian diet, it is also advisable to consume plenty of fruit and vegetables, especially garlic and onions.

In infant urine infections, the protective and curative effect of breastfeeding should be highlighted.

Other important measures are:

  • Eliminate foods and substances that irritate the bladder, such as caffeine, refined sugar, white flour, alcoholic beverages, and nicotine. These substances create an environment in the bladder that predisposes to infection and can slow response to treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water: Your water diuresis reduces bacterial numbers in your urine. Specifically, it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day (about six glasses).
  • Pay attention to the type of liquid you drink. It is highly advisable to drink cranberry juice and other liquids such as barley water, anti-inflammatory effect, and tea.
  • Flaxseeds contain abundant mucilage, which helps soothe the mucosa of the urinary system. They may also have anti-inflammatory effects. One to three teaspoons of fresh flaxseeds are taken, ground with food. Once ground they deteriorate quickly, so it is best to grind only those that are going to be added directly to the dishes and store the rest whole.


Both in urinary infections and other types we must think about recovering the bacterial balance of the usual flora, try to avoid situations in which we attack it and use probiotic or prebiotic bacteria, which help recover the right conditions for the saprophytic bacteria that defend the body from pathological bacteria to live.

A good option is to take Lactobacillus acidophilus, which protects gastrointestinal and urinary tissues, strengthens immunity and prevents the colonization of pathogenic bacteria.

Lactobacilli are also indicated in the treatment of yeast infections or candida, sometimes a consequence of the use of antibiotics.

They can be taken with yogurt or in capsule, in probiotic formulas. It is best that the probiotic formula contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria and fructooligosaccharides. They are taken twice a day before meals.


To prevent infections, strengthening training in general is also important, which can be practiced walking barefoot and ensuring that the feet react well to cold stimuli.

Hydrotherapy also helps: general applications with cold water that strengthen the body or applications of hot water (in wet cloths, with water bottles …) in the lumbar area.

Stress can lead to immunosuppression and infection. Any technique that reduces stress (therapeutic massage, yoga) and strengthens defenses is beneficial.

Exercise generally helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and Kegel exercises condition the bladder muscles (preventing urinary retention and incontinence).


  • Eliminate possible perineal irritants, such as scented bath products and showers.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Urinating before and after sexual activity.


In case of infection, simple urinalysis may show significant pyuria (presence of dead leukocytes forming pus) and bacteriuria (presence of bacteria).

The detection of a microorganism in more than 10,000 cfu/ml (colony forming units per milliliter) allows the diagnosis to be established. The isolation of more than one organism can mean contamination and it is advisable to obtain another urine sample, even if the patient has already started treatment.

Urine cultures, antibiograms or aromatograms are often useful for documenting sensitivities to certain antibiotics or plant essences. Urine culture, as a diagnosis and therapeutic control, must be done before, during and after treatment.

It should only be labeled as a urinary tract infection if a culture has been performed and it is positive and coincides with the clinic.

Once the germ has been identified and it is known whether or not it is sensitive to certain antibiotics or plant essences, you can be more confident in using the appropriate drugs or essences effectively.


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