It is essential for the body and is synthesized when sunbathing, but lack of vitamin D is very common. We show you how to solve it.

Vitamin D is key to health and well-being. It primarily serves to modulate immunity, helping to prevent allergies, autoimmune disorders and, according to many researchers, degenerative diseases. It protects against infections caused by viruses and bacteria, and in winter reduces the risk of contracting influenza and other respiratory viruses. In this article by Dr. José Carlos Tutor, we tell you the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and treatment.
Vitamin D is a nutritional factor of great importance in optimizing health. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is mainly obtained by exposing the skin to sunlight. There is also a contribution of vitamin D3 with foods of animal origin and vitamin D2 with other foods such as some mushrooms. However, deficiency in this vitamin is becoming more common.
Insomnia, anxiety, depression and the intensity of nonspecific neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain, as well as fibromyalgia, have been linked to vitamin D deficiency.
Interestingly, a lack of vitamin D also promotes daytime sleepiness, according to research by David E. McCarty of Louisiana State University. It is also related to sleep disorders due to obstructive apnea.
Good levels of vitamin D in the body help prevent certain types of cancer, such as breast and colorectal cancer. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have gone so far as to claim that vitamin D deficiency could be a “root cause” of all cancers.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms. Raimund von Helden, a physician experienced in vitamin D supplementation, classifies them by the acronym M-A-N-O-S:
- M for Muscle: Pain, weakness, cramps, tremors and tingling.
- A of Adinamia: Weakness, apathy, lack of energy, permanent tiredness and constant fatigue.
- N of Nerves: Dizziness, sleep and concentration disorders, restlessness, anxiety, behavioral changes, impaired coordination, and instability of standing and walking. Deficiency favors both insomnia and drowsiness.
- Or Orthostasis: Circulatory disorders, headache, feeling cold or frostbite in hands and feet.
- S forkeletal (skeleton): Bone and joint pain that increases with exercise, reduced bone mass, and painful bones on contact.
In addition, a lack of vitamin D can cause hallucinations, tinnitus, heartburn, morning vomiting and sun allergy.
To assess vitamin D status, the concentration of the metabolite 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (calcidiol) in blood serum is determined.
The desirable level is between 40-60 or 40-70 ng/mL, according to researchers and organizations such as the Vitamin D Council, Vitamin D Society and Grassroots Health.
To reach these concentrations you would need adequate daily exposure to the sun, eat enough foods rich in vitamin D or take a vitamin supplement.
It is estimated that 15-20 minutes of sun exposure can generate (depending on the season, latitude, skin type and exposed surface) 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D.
The indoor lifestyle means that vitamin D levels have been drastically reduced. The solution in most cases is to supplement with vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). However, calcidiol is frequently used in Spain, with which it is difficult to adjust the dose.
To reach the optimal level of 40-60 ng/mL, according to the recommendations of the Vitamin D Council, a daily intake of 70-80 IU/kg of weight is needed. A 70 kg adult would require a dose of 5,200 IU/day.
Many doctors still recommend supplemental doses of the order of 400-800 IU/day, but they are insufficient. An exaggerated fear of toxicity persists among professionals. In reality, poisoning is rare and occurs by accident when consuming very high doses, as renowned expert Michael Hollick says in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
After 2-3 months it is advisable to do an analysis and readjust the dose if necessary. Once the desired level is reached, the same dose should be continued and tested every one to two years.
The action of vitamin D can be optimized by administering cofactors: vitamin A (5,000-10,000 IU), vitamin K2/MK-7 (150-200 mcg), magnesium (400-600 mg), boron (3-6 mg) and zinc (15-20 mg).
The most physiological way to take a vitamin D supplement is daily in the morning, when the body is best prepared to synthesize and use the vitamin. One of the reasons to do so is that in the gut we have Peyer’s plaques, which are part of the immune system and receive vitamin D from food – or the supplement – to do their jobs.
Taking it with a little oil or during a main meal is important, since vitamin D is fat-soluble, that is, it dissolves in fat; Only in this way can proper absorption be guaranteed at the intestinal level.
- It modulates immunity, which helps prevent allergies, autoimmune disorders and, according to many researchers, degenerative diseases.
- Protects against infections caused by viruses and bacteria. In winter it reduces the risk of contracting the flu and other respiratory viruses.
- Insomnia, anxiety, depression and the intensity of nonspecific neuropathic and musculoskeletal pains, as well as fibromyalgia, have been linked to its deficiency.
- It helps ward off the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast and colorectal cancer. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego suggested that vitamin D deficiency could be closely related to these cancers.